Boxing (London Community Boxing Club) | OneHub Southwark

Boxing (London Community Boxing Club)

London Community Boxing (LCB) is a charity founded on a firm belief in the power of sport as a vehicle for personal development and social cohesion.
Offering inclusive access to boxing in all its forms, they aim to encourage sustainable participation in sport. They believe that the benefits can enhance any community through common interest whilst building confidence, discipline and life skills.

The role of sport in nurturing both physical and emotional health has long been recognised; more recently the therapeutic nature of boxing training has been reappraised as a strong route to individual and collective development. In addition, the evidence is overwhelming that boxing is particularly powerful in engaging the most vulnerable and marginalised groups in society, and in reducing crime and reoffending.

LCB is building on this, as they are developing their enterprise to become a vibrant charity for all members of the community welcoming everyone. And offering involvement and participation in boxing in its many recreational and sporting forms.


3-4 Bellenden Road Business Centre
Bellenden Road
SE15 4RF
United Kingdom

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