Grove Vale Youth Club
Fun sporting and team activities open to all children and young people during term time!
Welcome to Grove Vale Youth Club! For over 70 years, our club has provided a safe and fun environment for children and young people aged 4-16 to enjoy after school activities and games during term time. The club warmly welcomes and caters for the various age groups on different evenings of the week.
Facilities include:
A large sports hall for fun team games and activities, basketball, snooker and football table, cooking etc. Activities for younger children include team games, crafts and colouring.
The club has been honored with the Queen's Award for Voluntary Service. First session free! £1 per session thereafter.

28 McDermott Road
SE15 4NZ
United Kingdom
Girls Years 6–10
Tue 6pm-7.30pm
Girls Reception to Year 5
Wed 6pm–7.45pm
Boys Years 6–10
Thur 6pm–7.30pm
Boys Reception to Year 5