Peckham Rye Park Adventure Playground | OneHub Southwark

Peckham Rye Park Adventure Playground

Southwark’s adventure playgrounds are supervised by experienced and trained staff with facilities that cater primarily for children and young people of school age and ability. With a strong emphasis on free play, children and young people are encouraged to develop their ideas and choose their own activities. All playgrounds are free to use, registered and inspected annually.


Peckham Rye Park
Homestall Road
SE22 0SH
United Kingdom

Age range
11 to 13
14 to 16
Opening hours
Opening times (Term time only)
Tuesday to Friday 3.30 pm to 6.30 pm
Saturday 11.30am to 4.30pm

Opening times (half term)
Monday to Friday 11.30 am to 4.30 pm

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