Southwark Sea Cadets | OneHub Southwark

Southwark Sea Cadets

The world is changing

It’s changing in good ways. At Sea Cadets you’ll see teenagers who cycle miles to us because they can’t afford the bus fare, greeting their friend dropped off in a new car, and young people of all races and religions, of all abilities, chatting together, striving together, and cheering each other on.

But the world is also changing in tough ways. And too many young people are going into an adult world under-equipped with the resilience, self-belief and social confidence they need to make a decent life for themselves. Sea Cadets has the skills to change this.

More than a youth club

Many teenagers arrive at Sea Cadets excited at the prospect of all the adventures and activities they can have with us. And they’re brilliant fun. But quickly they see the depth of what they can gain here for their future and they grab it with both hands!

A future

You can literally see the difference Sea Cadets can make. In how they hold themselves, welcome new people, and support each other. How they listen better in school, aren’t offended by constructive feedback, and get on with teachers. 

Sea Cadets leaves us like this:

  • Confident
  • Feeling more in charge of themselves
  • A leader people want to follow
  • Comfortable speaking to anyone
  • A brilliant team player
  • Skilled, with qualifications to prove it
  • With positive habits and thinking
  • Adaptable
  • Motivated

See what cadets say about how Sea Cadets makes a big difference in daily teenage life.

Sea Cadets find:

  • School gets better
  • Getting that job gets easier
  • They can overcome challenges more confidently
  • They’re valued in the community where they live

Sea Cadets Southwark All Saints Hall, Surrey Square
SE17 2JU
United Kingdom

Opening hours
Sea Cadets (12-18): Tuesdays and Fridays, 7.30pm - 9.30pm
Junior Cadets (10-12): Tuesdays and Fridays, 7.30pm - 9.30pm

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